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Toddler Little Bunny Costume

Toddler Little Bunny Costume

Our Price: $34.95

Reg Price: $42.00

Toddler Little Bunny Costume
Bunnies are pretty great. Hares I can take or leave. TheyÕre too big. But just straight up bunnies? I will pet one of those guys for days. TheyÕre just too precious. Baring all of this in mind, it should be a no-brainer to pick up the Toddler Little Bunny Costume. It basically takes a cute thing (a bunny), then combines it with another cute thing (a little kid) and thereby makes an even cuter thing. An apex adorable costume.

This huggable outfit comes with a jumpsuit, a headpiece, and little baby bunny booties. Follow the white rabbit this Halloween with the Toddler Little Bunny Costume! Yeah! The Toddler Little Bunny Costume is a kids costume borne out of the winning combination of cute animal and cute kid.


Toddler Little Bunny Costume Details:

Color On Costume”s Picture
Theme Animal Costumes For Kids

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