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Doctor Who 11th Doctor Costume T-Shirt

Doctor Who 11th Doctor Costume T-Shirt

Our Price: $18.99

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Doctor Who 11th Doctor Costume T-Shirt
Product DescriptionWhen the Doctor crash landed his TARDIS on earth after his regeneration he met a young Amelia Pond and she nick named him the Raggedy Doctor due to his dishevelled appearance. When he returned 16 years later Amelia started to go by the name Amy and they helped stop the Atraxi from burning the planet. After that adventure the Doctor decided that he needed a new set of clothes and borrowed some from the hospital. Of all of his choices he found just the outfit of a tweed jacket, button up shirt, and of course a bow tie. Why a bow tie? Because they”re cool of course!So now you can enjoy some fish fingers and custard while looking cool in this offical Doctor Who tee.

  • 100% cotton
  • Graphics on the front look like the 11th Doctor”s clothing

Doctor Who 11th Doctor Costume T-Shirt Details:

Color On Costume”s Picture
Theme TV / Movie Costumes

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