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Girls Pirate Hat In Pink Child

Girls Pirate Hat In Pink Child

Our Price: $7.99

Reg Price: $???

Girls Pirate Hat In Pink Child
She might be a swashbuckling gal, but that doesn”t mean she has to look like a washed-up pirate. With the Girls Pirate Hat In Pink Child accessory, she can become a pirate with a feminine side. The girly girl doesn”t have to give up her favorite color when she transforms into a seafaring adventurer. Adding a touch of pink — with some decidedly feminine pink trim and ribbon — to this black hat makes this pirate the prettiest gal on the ship.

  • The Girls Pirate Hat In Pink Child is the perfect accessory for your little matey. The black hat, which features the classic skull and crossbones detail, is made of marabou, a type of dyed silk.
  • This feminine hat is accented with pink, feathery trim across the top.
  • A perfectly pink ribbon adorns the bottom of the hat, functioning as a built-in bandana and covering your child”s forehead. The bandana features a long end that cascades over your child”s shoulder.
  • Includes: Hat.
  • Does not include: Top.

Girls Pirate Hat In Pink Child Details:

Color On Costume”s Picture
Theme Accessories

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