
Elephant Costume For Toddlers

Elephant Costume For Toddlers

Our Price: $29.99

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Elephant Costume For Toddlers
No one would dare cross the largest animal on land, so your toddler will have a blast when he dons the Elephant Costume For Toddlers. He can indulge his imagination and gobble up food just like an elephant; watching him will soon get you thinking that this costume is well worth the investment. Just don”t let him get too close to water, or he may get too excited and dip his trunk for a drink. Other than that, your toddler is just a harmless cutie out to have some fun with the rest of the herd. Now if only the rest of the cute animals would come out from their cribs and join the ruckus; then this will be one jungle of a party.

  • Includes: A gray snap close inseam jumpsuit with a hood that has a trunk and elephant ears.
  • Material: 100% polyester.

This elephant”s ready to rumble

Don”t be too surprised when you hear a rumbling sound at your next Halloween party; there”s a good chance that the crowd may have been too overwhelmed when they saw a cute little elephant show up. Your little charmer may be striking poses in front of his legions of fans. You might also want to join them yourself; after all, it isn”t every day that an adorable elephant will grace a party. Your toddler can wear this costume when he goes trick-or-treating this Halloween, and he may just get an elephant”s share of the neighborhood loot.

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