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Gumby Dog Costume

Gumby Dog Costume

Our Price: $14.99

Reg Price: $30.00

Gumby Dog Costume
Now here we go. Here is something. Gumby is pretty great? But Gumby in dog form? I don”t even have words for how great that is! I”m going to have to take a few moments to sort out my emotions on how amazing this is. Give me a bit here, will you? Thanks.

Okay. Phew, I”m back. The Gumby Dog Costume That”s all that really needs to be said, isn”t it? It”s adorable. It combines one of the great icons of claymation with one of the greatest Halloween stand-bys, the doggy costume. It”s common sense. Dogs wearing anything makes them even cuter than they already are.

Gumby Dog Costume Details:

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