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Mens Convict Costume - Orange Jumpsuit

Mens Convict Costume – Orange Jumpsuit

Our Price: $24.95

Reg Price: $37.00

Mens Convict Costume – Orange Jumpsuit
We”d ask what you did, but you”re innocent, right? Party in the Big House with this Mens Convict Costume! This Orange Jumpsuit comes with broken handcuffs – because how else did you get to the party if it wasn”t breaking out of the joint?

We won”t ask what the charges were with you in this Mens Convict Costume, and the others at your Halloween party probably won”t, either! So keep a low profile – well, you”re in an Orange Jumpsuit, so do what you can – and avoid the cops who”re certainly out for you! Going as a group? We”ve got plenty of cops and robbers outfits to complement this orange jumpsuit nicely!

Mens Convict Costume – Orange Jumpsuit Details:

Color On Costume”s Picture
Theme Uniform Costumes

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