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Prisoner Dog Pet Costume

Prisoner Dog Pet Costume

Our Price: $7.99

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Prisoner Dog Pet Costume
Doing time for being a misbehaved mongrel? In this outfit, any convict cur can be rehabilitated whilst having some canine fun at the same time. Perfect for the playful penitentiary pooch, this Prisoner Dog Pet Costume will help to set any wayward tail-wagger back on the right track. If you are having problems with doggie behavior and want everyone to know about it, then what could be better than a stripy convict costume? Even the naughtiest of mutts will feel like they need to mend their ways in this suit. Fido felons beware!

  • This outfit, which sports matching black and white convict stripes, is worn over the dog”s two front legs.
  • There is an attached section of the costume that sits comfortably over the pooch”s back and features the same prisoner-inspired design.
  • To complete the look, there is a matching “Bad Dog” hat which has an elastic strap that you can slip under the hound”s muzzle to keep it from falling.
  • Who knows — after a spell in the costume, it may be time for some pooch-parole?

Prisoner Dog Pet Costume Details:

Color On Costume”s Picture
Theme Classic

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