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Ladybug Streaked Wig

Ladybug Streaked Wig

Our Price: $11.99

Reg Price: $24.00

Ladybug Streaked Wig
Ladybugs are pretty great. They eat aphids and all kinds of other terrible bugs and, when they aren”t biting people, they”re pretty darn cute looking. Also, fun fact: People in England and other countries call them “ladybirds.” How fun is that? Anyways, the Ladybug Streak Wig takes all of the good feelings we have towards the ladybug, or as it is called in Yiddish “God”s little cow.” Adorable.

The Ladybug Streaked Wig comes alone with a pair of antennae. It”s just enough to remind people of how cute ladybugs (or ladybirds) are without actually reminding people that they”re beetles and that beetles are bugs and that”s kind of gross. Then again, it”ll be Halloween and that”s the vibe everything gives off, isn”t it?

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